Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Diet Coke Is Done

I think I have officially kicked the Diet Coke habit. I'm drinking iced tea now and I am feeling exponentially better. My skin is all glowy too.


Sarah Lary said...

Carol! Hey!! So I was on simplelovely after seeing photos on Domino mag's blog. Searching for some home decor inspiration. Went from simplelovely to the romines (because who else do a i know named romine?) and then I found you! So fun. Do not click on our "blog". I've never posted anything. It's a vast empty space with a cute header I made when I was inspired about 6 months ago. Hope you're doing well! - Sarah Lary

Sarah Lary said...

Oh, and I gave up Diet Coke, too. And my skin looks better as well!!