Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Book: At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream

On Jen Lancaster's suggestion, I downloaded Wade Rouse to my Nook. I like her writing style so I picked a few of her favorites and, so far, these are becoming my new favorite reads for 2011. The NYT Book Review has nothing on Miss Jen. I hope she posts more reading suggestions over in Jennsylvania but until then I to dish about my current favorite.

So, here we go...

 At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream

Here's the scoop. Wade, who is a bit of a priss, and his partner (why don't we just start saying husband already!!) Gary, escaped the fabulosity of city life for a experiment in country living. Wade based his lifestyle change on the writings of Thoreau's Walden and his grammie's wisdom learned while summering in her cabin as a boy. Each chapter is a life lesson Wade is trying to learn while he sheds his Sauvage swimsuit in favor of a more honest and authentic life.

Now, this is not one of those yuppie apologies for conspicuous consumption sprinkled with a bunch of New Age drivel. Wade reminds me of myself. He shops at the same stores, has the same fears, has the same sense of humor, is allergic to snow, etc. I can relate to him way more than I can relate to Deepak Chopra. Wade's discoveries and subsequent writing remind me more of Nora Ephron with a little Chelsea Handler thrown in.

He sets the scene when he takes on Burt the Racoon in a showdown over a trash can that can only happen with a former fashion plate with nothing but pocket full of Lip Shimmer to protect him. Burt wins that round and the hilarity ensues. Just wait until you get to the part where Wade decided to organize all of the sticks in the woods surrounding his cabin.

I was sitting next to my husband when I read this and burst out laughing. I've heard of "laugh out loud" funny but hadn't experienced it until this book.

Wade and Gary are people I want to invite to dinner.

Image from Wade's web site.

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